Devisen Trading Grundkenntnisse (German Edition)

Devisen Trading Grundkenntnisse (German Edition)

Einführung in das Devisen Trading mit Erklärung der Grundbegriffe, Auflistung von Kriterien zur Auswahl von Forex Broker, Tipps über die Höhe des Anfangskapitals, die handelbaren Devisenpaare, die besten Handelszeiten, die Einstellung der Tradingsplattform sowie den erforderlichen Zeitaufwand.


Common Sense Methods to Inexpensively Get Started In Trading the Financial Markets

A concise and to the point manual full of advice on how to get started trading the financial markets-from a trader who retired at the age of 32. No unrealistic promises,no guarantees of success,no telling you how to make millions-just the facts on how things work.

You will learn ways to avoid poor courses,basic money management rules,spot scams,and how to get started without spending a lot of money.

As well,you will learn how to choose something that is suited to your mind


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